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[Linux] OPL compile guides

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openSUSE 11.2 manual guide


You will need a few linux packages, install them with your distribution package management tool (use either zypper from commandline, or the gui tool in yast):

gcc (GNU C compiler, version 3 or 4 are ok)
make (GNU makefile)
patch (GNU patch)
wget (used by the ps2toolchain to get some sources)
subversion (source management tool for svn/subversion repositories)
mercurial (source management tool for hg/mercurial repositories)

And last but not least, to pack the OpenPS2Loader ELF, you need to have the ps2-packer. This one can be downloaded from ps2dev. The author of this tool (Nicolas 'Pixel' Noble) did use static libraries to be able to redistribute the binary. Now, on openSUSE, there seems to be no repository providing the required static package, so we will use shared libraries instead (that will require to change the original Makefile, it will be explained in the compile steps at the bottom):

> sudo zypper install zlib zlib-devel libucl1 libucl1-devel


1. Setup your shell environment. You need to define these variables:

export PS2DEV=/some_path/ps2dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/ee/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/iop/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2DEV/dvp/bin
export PS2SDK=$PS2DEV/ps2sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$PS2SDK/bin
export PS2ETH=$PS2DEV/ps2eth
export GSKIT=$PS2DEV/gsKit
export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
You can put your sources (and set accordingly your PS2DEV) where you want, usually in some user directory, as we will modify the ps2-packer makefile (and it is the only part that is dependent of the location of the sources).

To setup the var I recommend (as it doesn't change definitely your environment) is to put theses lines inside a text file, let's say "setup_ps2dev" in your PS2DEV directory, and after you created this file, you have to give him execute rights:

> mkdir /some_path/ps2dev
> cd /some_path/ps2dev
> gedit setup_ps2dev
copy/paste the lines, and edit your ps2dev path accordingly, quit your editor
> chmod 755 setup_ps2dev
That has to be done once for all. And now, every time you want to compile ps2dev stuff you first "execute it" ("source it", is the real definition):

> cd /some_path/ps2dev
> . setup_ps2dev
The second command is "dot" "space" "setup_ps2dev".

Before going to step 2, check your env is correctly set (or the first "cd $PSDEV" will fail):

> echo $PS2DEV
It should output what you manually set above, and not be empty

2. Retrieve PS2Toolchain, and compile it

> cd $PS2DEV
> svn co [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> cd ps2toolchain
> ./toolchain.sh
It will retrieve and compile some external sources also, so you should now have theses directories under $PS2DEV:

bin, dvp, ee, iop, ps2sdk and ps2toolchain

3. Retrieve and compile needed libraries for OpenPS2Loader (ps2eth is no longer needed by OPL, but you should install it as it's needed by other projects)

> cd $PS2DEV
> svn co [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> cd ps2eth
> make
> cd $PS2DEV
> svn co [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> cd gsKit
> make
> cd $PS2DEV
> svn co [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> cd zlib
> make
> make install
4. Compile and install PS2-packer

> cd $PS2DEV
> mkdir ps2-packer
> cd ps2-packer
> wget [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> tar xvf PS2-Packer_0.4.4_source_package.download
Overwrite the original Makefile with the one in attachment
> make
> make install
5. Download OpenPS2Loader and compile it

> cd $PS2DEV
> hg clone [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]
> cd open-ps2-loader
> make
If all went ok, you can find the OPNPS2LD.ELF under $PS2DEV/open-ps2-loader/ directory (and main.elf which is the uncompressed version).

Finally, you can also compile iso2usbld tool:

> cd $PS2DEV/open-ps2-loader/pc/iso2usbld
> make

Install and configure Samba for use with OPL's SMB core

1. Install Samba
> sudo zypper install samba samba-client
Please now refer to Ubuntu Samba install guide, and continue at step 2 (Edit Samba configuration).



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